About Us
The Meldrum and Bourtie Heritage Society was established in 2000 in Oldmeldrum Aberdeenshire. The aims of the Society are to advance the education of the general public in the local history of the community and have established a multimedia community archive.
The community archive consists of a photographic archive covering a wide range of topics. The archive has 2,600 entries. The majority of the entries have been donated by the public and the society is extremely grateful for their support to allow us to establish this extensive archive covering local history over many decades
Future donations to the society’s database are welcomed. The society will scan the documents and photographs and enter them into the archive. All hard copies will be returned the donor where required.
Everywhere we look history surround us, Oldmeldrum and the surrounding area has a rich historical inheritance which needs to be conserved to help today’s generation get the best out of our heritage and to ensure that it is protected for future generations.
Committee Members
Robert Anderson (chairman), Moira Miller (secretary), John Pirie, Jim Presly, Kathleen Reid, Syd Ross, Roger Warlow, Elaine Buck, Alistair Massey, Doug Smith
The society's office is located at the Royal British Legion Market Square, Oldmeldrum and meets monthly on the 1st Saturday of each month
(10:15 – 11:30)
Meldrum and Bourtie Heritage Society,
Office – Royal British Legion, Market Square,
Oldmeldrum. AB51 0YY